For the modern business woman

Welcome to She is Connected | The Directory

Ever wanted an easy place to search for other epic woman in business?
Whether it’s to hire them, send a referral to, or even just to connect?

Ever wanted a place where you, your business / product / service can be found by other amazing woman in business?

Welcome to She Is Connected. The directory. This is the place online to not only be seen, but find other woman in business, whether they’re in your area or worldwide.

Business Women pose for a group photo - She is Connected

Search woman led businesses across New Zealand, Australia and the United States

Be featured, find, follow, & friend your soon-to-be business besties.

The Directory

The Directory


Your Results

We Believe

We believe that when money gets in the hands of good women, great things happen.

We believe that as women, together, we can show the world what’s possible.

We believed that collaboration reigns supreme over competition, anyday.

We believe that a network is one of the most valuable things on the planet and no matter what ideas, businesses or brands come and go, that #Squad is what will be there through it all.

We believe in a world that says we can have it all, that we actually want the right things and not #allthethings.

We believe that business and life shouldn’t be done alone.

We believe it’s not about what you know, but who you know.

We believe you don’t need to find your voice…you already have one and just need to be empowered to use it.

We are obsessed with creating platforms that empower women to be seen, heard, known, highlighted and connected…and this is one of ‘em.

As seen in: